For $10 a month ($120 a year), Play Club members get to know 12 playwrights and their plays:

  • Peek into their imagination: a monthly email with insider stories about the featured playwright — learn what inspires them and what’s on their mind.

  • Read their plays: with links to easily purchase.

  • See their work: many playwrights also write for film and television, and some theatrical productions are available for viewing. You’ll receive these links, too.

  • Discuss their plays: invitations to weekly virtual small group discussions of their plays. Join as many as you like!

  • Join the conversation: a live virtual conversation and Q&A with the playwright, hosted by Amy Wheeler, with access to recordings of the sessions.

  • Support the Playwrights: buy their plays, spread the word and expand the audience for their work.

Bonus opportunities offered throughout the year: conversations with the playwright’s collaborators (directors, actors, designers), virtual readings of plays, chances to experience your own hand at the playwright’s craft.

Add somewhere: Scholarships available. Email xxxx for information.